Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Challenging Day

So today is our first day of no sugar for belle. It was a day full of tantrums and tears. The frist melt down happened when I could only give belle 1/2 a box of her milk (per doc bc there is still some sugar). She wanted the whole box and no sippy cup, thus when told "no" her tantrum ensued. When that foot stomping was done she asked for a banana. I tried to offer an alternative but alas I was met by the tears and screaming again. After dropping daddy off at work mommy needed coffee. When I asked belle if she would like a water she was adament with saying no so I did not get her one. When we drove away from Starbucks she started screaming for water. More tears and screaming. By mid morning it was time for our playdate...Wonderful I thought. She'll be with other kids and it'll keep her mind off of the new "diet". It worked for a while but then it was lunch time and I foudn hotdogs (her fav) w/o sugar. But it wasn't good enough. She wanted popcorn (flavored like the other kids) and pretzels. Again told no and yet another tantrum. But my wonderful friend who was hosting the playdate got out her airpopper and made belle some fresh popcorn. This made belle happy and content for the time. And before we left I had to say no again to watermellon.

It's been a rough day. I feel like a failing mother because I can't give my child what she wants or needs. No has been the word of the day and I feel horrible. I want my child to have what she wants. I want her to eat fruits and veggies. I want her to feel included with her friends. I know we'll get the hang of this diet. I know we'll overcome it. And I know in the future she will be able to handle small amounts of sugar. But at the starting line it always feels like it's going to be an uphill battle. So today I ask God for patience, understanding, and peace.