Monday, June 14, 2010


So bc of belle's disability with food the state preschool we've sent J to for the last 2 years is telling us that it may not be a good idea for Izabelle to attend bc they cannot provide food for her. The state guidlines is that no outside food is allowed. And I get that. I really do. A mom last year brought in snikers for the kids and J can't have nuts so I was annoyed. BUT they are discriminating against Belle bc she can't eat the cafeteria food. The doctor even wrote a note saying why Belle cannot eat the food and they told me they still cannot make an exception. She wants to see if we qualify for in home services but she is not to positive bc of our income. She thinks we make too much. I'm BEYOND pissed. Belle just wants to be with other kids. She WANTS to go to school. They even told me they are not full yet so if she didn't have this problem then she would probably get in. I get that they want to keep everyone safe. but when food is like posion to a child I think exceptions need to be made. It's one thing if a child is just refusing to eat the food offered it's another if the child physically can't eat the food given.