Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lots to Catch Up On

Wow it's been a week or so give or take....My computer was getting fixed bc the hard drive crashed and was not repairable so we had to have it completely replaced...Thank God we got the extended warrenty. So onto the going on's of this week.....

Well belle had what was supposed to be her follow up. Well what a cluster freak that was....We get there on time and check in...Are lead back to a room and left there....we kept seeing people come and go and were getting quite annoyed that we weren't being seen. We finally went and asked what the hold up was since we had been waiting an hour...Come to find out they can't find her doc. So they start to page him and what not. 30 minutes later we're told our appointment should have been canceled and was canceled in the system but no one called to inform us. So they got another GI doc to come and see Belle. Almost 2 HOURS after our initial appt time. They did give us free parking though so that was nice.

On to her appt....Nothing but good news. We're allowed to start giving her small amounts of sugar again. If we anticipate that she's going to get a lot of sugar in a meal or over the course of the day we can up the amount of meds we give her. It's what her body should be making so she won't OD on it ;-) Belle hasn't gained any weight since April but the doc said that's ok and her body is just adjusting. We don't have to go back for a year and the new doc told us she'd take belle's case since belle's doc is moving. Oh and in 9 months we get to challenge Belle first with a tsp of soy and then if she can handle that a month later milk.

So we've reintroduced natural sugar into belle's diet. Although I think the first day I think we over did it. She didn't sleep well at all that night. She went and slept in the hall and any time derrick tried to put her back to bed she scream and cry until she was back on the floor. The next day she was a grump until she took a 3 hour nap. Belle can also drink her special milk again. She's getting the vitamin's she needs and the calcium so I'm not having to worry about trying to get her to take nasty tasting vitamins. And she can have tylonal again. That was my biggest worry. How to bring down a fever w/o meds.

We are all still adjusting to this new lifestyle. But I think we're surviving. Less sugar is good for all of us, and only trying to stick to the natrual sugar is better for us anyway.