Thursday, June 10, 2010

High Fructose Corn Syrup I Loath You

So today I went to the grocery store in search of more foods for Belle....I left defeated. The first place I stopped was the diebetic isle...They are sure to have something fun for Belle...Not so much. It either had sorbitol or splenda. Neither of which Belle is able to process. So after defeat in that section I went to go find her some bread that she can have with dinner tonight since we're having speghetti and we make our own garlic bread. After all the types of flour in the ingredients the next one listed is high fructose corn syrup....Are you kidding me. What is the need for this in the BREAD....It's just bread. It doesn't need to be sweetend...Yes as American's we have been brought up on sugar and not surprisingly the food companies have picked up on that small fact. Everything must be sweet in order for us to eat it....This is just getting ridiculous. I can't go to the fresh fruit/veggie aile and get her good stuff there and I can't find junk w/o some sort of sugar. I'm going completely mad and feel like a horrible mother. Lately Belle's diet has consited of diet lemonaid, crackers, tasetless hot dogs and whatever we can manipulate for dinner. She's always saying she is hungry and I feel like a horrible mother. I feel like I'm starving my child. I know I'm not and I know I'm doing my best to provide for her but when she still is omplaining of a tummy ache and just wants to have normal food all I want to do is curl up in a ball and cry. I understand she is frustrated. I understand she just wants to yell at me because she wants something with flavor. But I just can't give it to her. This diet goes against everything most parents try to get their kids to eat. For the past year Derrick and Ihave been encouraging our kids to make smart choices. Choose carrots and raisins over gummies and cookies. Heck some mornings belle didn't want "breakfast food" she would just walk around with a bag of carrots. I was proud that my kids were making smart choices. And then I have to turn around and tell belle that basically all those "good" foods are making you sick. They hurt your tummy and make you have to use the bathroom. She keeps telling me that if she says she's better does that mean she can eat the good food and unfortunately for now I have to tell her no. Everything I look at...Healthy or unhealthy has high fructose corn syrup in it...If we're trying to now become a healthier nation why not pick up on that trend and take the stupid stuff out. It serves no real purpose. I just wish it wasn't defeating me.