Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend was fun filled for the Furr Family. Friday was errand day for us and we actually got our grocery shopping done. Thank God for the Eagles Nest because then Derrick and I can have a meal before shopping and then tackle the list. My kids love being in the Eagles Nest so they feel like it's a treat to go. Jamison likes the free time of playing Wii since at home it's only used as a treat and he has to share with belle. Belle loves the crafts so she keeps her hands busy and stays out of trouble.

Satrday was our typical Saturday filled with gymnastics and tball. Saturday's are usually our busiest and by the end of the day it doesn't feel like any rest was accomplished.

Sunday we had an AMAZING day...We took our kids to Idlewild park and Soak Zone for the day. It was a wonderful experience and time for family. Jamison is my cautious non risk taker. So getting him on rides was like pulling teeth. He refused the rollar coaster and other rides. So derrick put his foot down and told him he had to ride something if he wanted to play a game at the end of the night. He surprised everyone and picked the Spider... This ride makes me sick just watching it. It was Derrick's turn to ride and by the end he felt like he wanted to hurl. Jamison said it was scary and never wanted to ride again. When he did play his game he picked the baseball throw and surprisingly he won. Neither derrick or I thought he would throw hard enough but of course he proved his parents wrong and knocked down the silly cats. I must have a pitcher on my hands. Izabelle on the other hand wanted more. She is our little dare devil. If it's fast and spins she's all about it. I know as soon as she can she'll be up on a 10 meter jumping off like I did as a kid. Easton got his first taste of pool water and he was not a happy baby at the temperature..But he enjoyed the day outside and was so tuckered out he actually slept the whole night (8-6) this made for some VERY happy parents.

Today (Memorial Day) was spent having fun and remembering those who have served. Jamison walked in his first parade and had a blast. I was so proud of my little boy. Derrick participated in a local memorial service and honored those that served before him. It was a touching service and it made me stop and think about those who have lost our lives fighting for freedom. Those men and women gave the ultimate price. Their blank check was cashed in by this country. The least we can do is honor them and remember. They are never forgotten. Thank you to all my friends and friends husbands who serve. We all have our roles in this military life and each one is just as important.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Welcome To Choas

So my life is in constant choas. If the navy isn't handing us a hurdle something else always seems to come up. I will try to update this blog frequently. Especially as we jump over the new hurdle God has handed to us. The saying is that God will not give you more than you can handle. But at the onset of hard news the hurdle seems to be enourmous and too hard to leap over. I know that over time God will give us the tools to build steps so that we can get over but when we're at the bottom I always feel overwhelmed. For those that are starting this blogging journey you may or may not know that my daughter Izabelle was just diagnosed with a rare enzyme disorder. the disorder is the inablity to digest sucrose aka sugar. Her GI specialest has suggested a suppliment before meals and to talk to a nutritionest. We go to her nutritionest on Tuesday and for me it can't come soon enough. I feel like I've been handed a puzzle with only 85% of the pieces. The feeling of not being able to control the situation is a horrible feeling. I know Izabelle will grow up healthy and secure i just morn for the "fun" treats she won't be able to partake in with friends. She'll never know her mommy's coffee latte obsession bc she won't be able to drink one. So this new hurdle is high and the road is going to be long but I know God will comfort us and provide us with the people we need to climb it.

The navy also handed us a hurdle. Poor Derrick did not advance. Granted out of almost 1200 people 76 passed but to see that you missed it by less than 2.5 points is discouraging especially since you know that past commands didn't do what they were supposed to do to help in your career progression (USS TARAWA).....Yes I'm bitter about his last command but it is for MANY reasons not just them sitting on paper works of an award until after derrick left. So once again we'll have to go through cycle in Sept. The ups and downs of promotions are stressful.

This all has made such a stressful week. I'm looking for my sanity and praying God grants me peace. Hopefully our fun filled weekend will provide the stress relief I need.