Thursday, June 17, 2010


I've never thought about that word as much as I have when it comes to Belle. Since she's only three i'm the one that worries about wheather she will be accepted into a peer group. I worry about the future of her being accepted by others when she figures out she's "different". We've learned to accept that God made Belle beautiful and special. At times it feels like the mountain is too tall and overwhelming. It feels like we'll never reach a platau. But Belle has shown me that she can accept the hand that God has dealt her and go head on into life. Yes, at times her feelings of being different do get to her. She feels life is unfair at times and will throw her tantrums, but for the most part Belle accepts life and forges on.

Acceptance today has a totally different meaning for Belle. She was accepted into the state preschool. I find it very convienent her acceptance letter was sent the day after I called and raised my issues with them. She was so proud to get her letter. She toted it around the house for a good hour. You would have thought it was her college acceptance letter. She keeps telling us she's going to "big girl" school next year. As much as I fear this transistion for her I also know that it's the next step that needs to be taken. I can't shelter her under an umbrella for the rest of her life. I cannot fear the unknown because if I do Belle will learn that to life there is a scary side. I want her to live her childhood with innocense. I want her to embrace what lies ahead of her and learn from it. She will also teach other students that every one is different. That she can do everything they can, she just has to be careful with what she eats. She'll teach them that healthy things are good to eat too. She'll enjoy the fun things when she can and learn when she's had enough. I have full confidence that my baby girl will do well even though I am sad she's growing up.

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