Friday, June 11, 2010

I Do Have Other Children

As special as Belle is I do have 2 boys. Jamison is 5 and Easton is 4 1/2 months. Belle's illness does not just effect her but the boys as well...More so Jamison right now than Easton. He's such a trooper but I can tell he's getting super annoyed at his sister's new diet. He's also uber protective of her. If mommy and daddy are not around he will take charge and make sure she does not eat was she isn't allowed to. But with this new diet all the "fun" things we used to have in the house are gone and no more pancake saturday mornings because we don't want Izabelle to feel left out. No more trips to the ice cream store (they had sorbet for belle) because Belle would be excluded. He keeps asking if we can leave her at home so he can get what he wants. I try to sneak him treats when I can and still give him what he likes but with the tantrums we're already experiencing with belle we try to avoid them when we can. So Jamison is having to deal with not getting in his opinion enough attention. Baby Easton is usually attached to mommy and if easton isn't Belle is usually having a meltdown. Daddy's been working super hard lately so he's not around to absorb the attention needed by Jamison...The poor kid is getting the butt end of the stick right now. I wish I could divide myself so I could make jamison feel like the special boy that he is. I"m praying that we quickley get over this first hump with belle so that we can figure out how to integrate Jamison into the whole scenario. He's my lil man. He takes charge of the kids when he feels he needs to. He's a huge helper to mommy and daddy and he's got the sweetest heart that I hope is never lost. Jamison is a truly special little boy!

1 comment:

  1. Why don't you take him out for a Mommy and Jamison date? I bet any one of your local friends or family would take the other two for a few hours. It will go a long way during the adjustment phase and make him feel tons better. I do would take the other kids in a heartbeat, but that's a little difficult from Texas.
