Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Our First Adventure In Dining Out

Since finding out Belle had any sort of allergey dinning out has always been an adventure. Usually we have to send the server back and forth between us and the kitchen checking for ingredients. For the most part the servers have been very helpful. Heck even some managers double check for us to make sure all is prepared safely for Belle. Well with the new revolation of Belle's inablity to digest sugars going out to dinner seemed like an even bigger task than before. Well last night we had to run errands once derrick got home and we had to feed everyone. We had a coupon for a free kids meal at applebee's so we decided that would be our destination. We packed Belle a dinner of all her safe food and put it in her princess lunchbox. She thought it was cool to take her own dinner out to eat wth her. I honestly was a little worried that the restaurant would tell us we couldn't bring her food but I was willing to take the risk. I can't keep her holed up in the house the rest of her childhood. We ran all the errands that we had and headed to dinner. She took her lunchbox in and once we sat down she wanted to eat. we had to explain that she needed to wait for the rest of the family. When it was time to order (after a 20 min wait at the table) I ordered for Jamison and I and then derrick ordered his stuff. The waitress asked what about belle and we told her that she has a food allergy that we couldn't expect the restaurant to accomidate so we brought her food. Surprisingly the waitress was ok with it. The rest of dinner went off with a hitch. I think all my worry was for nothing. Restaurants want their patrons to be happy and have a good experience and if that means a child brings in their own food then they are ok with it. Besides the bad service the experience as a whole was good...Looks like we can go out with belle after all.

1 comment:

  1. As a person who has worked in the restaurant industry for 10 years... we are thankful when parents bring in meals for their kids when they have severe allergies. We want kids to be safe and believe me, it is SO difficult to know all the ingredients in everything we serve. Any server/restaurant who doesn't accomodate you is being either greedy or insensitive.
