Tuesday, June 1, 2010

An Overwhelming Morning...

So this morning we had Belle's nutrition appointment. We were explained her deficency and given a list of what she can eat...It all fits on 1 page...For the first 2-3 weeks we have to do complete elimination of glucose and fructose aund sucrose. So tomorrow we are starting her diet so that derrick and I can go through what we have in our cupboards and figure out what she can have and then go to the store for other needed items. So basically the run down of this disorder is that there are 2 molocules in sucrose and when it reaches the intestines the enzyme breaks it into 2 seperate molocules and sends it to the parts of the body that needs the energy. Well in Belles case the molocule never splits and then the body gets confused as to what it is and eliminates it....It causes her tummy to hurt and have tummy troubles. So the game plan for now is to completely elminate sugar from her diet. It's to help her body heal and to give us a fresh baseline. When the baseline is reached (about 2-3 weeks) we'll start to slowly introduce sugar back in. We'll first try something like a few grapes and watch how her body responds. She will have to take a replacement enzyme to help with the digestion. She will always have a limit though to how much she can handle...The oral replacement is by no means a cure. She has a 50/50 shot of growing out of it. But no one sounds to hopeful about that :-( On a good note though we may be able to reintroduce milk/soy. it is a possiblity that this deficency was masked by the milk and soy. So we will challenge her sometime later this year if we can get her enzymes under control.

So please continue to pray for guidence from the doctors. And that the feeling of being overwhelmed that I am feeling will be calmed. Please pray that belle does out grow this. Please pray that those around us will understand and help us through this journey.

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