Tuesday, June 8, 2010

We've Got Amazing Friends....

So this has been a trying week for Izabelle. She's had to listen to us say NO way more times than I can count. She's had multiple meltdowns due to being frustrated with mommy and daddy. She's doing as best as she can for a 3 year old. I still get cuddles and kisses and she's starting to understand that sugar hurts her tummy. She'll even tell you she can't have sugar now. Her diet has gone from restricted to impossible. At least she loves what we do give her. She's living on hot dogs, cracker, cherrios and sugar free lemonaide. But yesterday she got an amazing present. One of our friends dropped of a gift for Belle. When we went to open it we found that inside the bag was an air popper for popcorn and a fun bucket and gourmet popcorn. Immediately belle wanted to make her own popcorn and watch a movie. How could a mommy say no to that. We brought up her stool and she helped me pour in the kernals. We watched the popcorn pop and she even shared it with Jamison. It's such a simple present but it totally made her day. She got to enjoy a treat w/o having to worry about feeling sick. Today I'll be popping some popcorn as our treat for the park. All will enjoy and she won't feel left out.

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