Thursday, August 26, 2010

Gearing Up For School

So this week has been quite hectic. Jamison started kindergarten and it's been early mornings and a lonely little girl. About an hour after Jamison leaves for school the questions of when will he be home starts. For as much fighting that the two of them do she really misses her brother when he's not here. She is getting good a quiet play by herself and trying to entertain Easton. So all week we've been collecting up all her special medical instructions and talking to doctors. I can't believe my little girl is going to all day preK. She's so excited and I know it'll be good for both her and I. She has been challenging lately and I think she just needs so daily structure. She loves doing school stuff with brother so I know she'll enjoy school. It's finally her turn and she's excited. Although she doesn't understand why brother gets a bus ride and she doesnt. I wish she could get a bus ride, just for fun, but alas she probably won't get a school bus ride for many years. Once we move who knows if busses will be provided or if she'll even need one. She got a new backpack for school and wears it around the house proudly. I know most days she won't need it at school but she feels like such a big girl getting to finally get one of her own. With her going to school it brings many fears. Will she be able to enjoy lunch and snack and all that. Will she get sick and have an accident and be completely embarrassed. Will she get to the bathroom quick enough so that she doesn't have an accident. Will the other kids accept her even with her strange food problems. Will they accept her in general. She's got a strong personality and I'm not sure how other kids will do with her. She did do fine at MMO but she also knew those kids from infancy. I know she needs to grow up and do things on her own but I've been able to keep her pretty sheltered with all her food stuff. I'm really hoping that all my fears are short lived and she has an amazing experince like Jamison had.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Forgot To Add Yesterday

While at the doctors for Easton yesterday I did bring up Belle's sleep walking to him. He gave her a look over. Although she was in her "grumpy" mood and wasn't following directions. He wanted me to give a call into her GI docs. He suspects she is having refulx at night and because of all her other GI problems he wants them to take a look at her. If GI and meds don't help he wants her to go in for a sleep study. Seeing as we can't pin down when exactly she is waking up we need to figure it out and help her sleep. I'm just hoping that school will help tire her out. I just don't know what to do with her. I"m hoping the structer of school will also help. I think it will be good for all of us....

Onto a cute story of belle...A few weekends ago we went to a family reunion in Charolette NC. The kids got to go to the racetrack and take a tour. The road in a can that took them around. They got to a curve and Jamison was tellng them to slow down and Belle asked for them to floor it. Only Belle would be asking for such a thing. Jamison is adventuresome but Belle is my daredevil. I'm waiting for the day I need to take her to get a cast put on...Although I must say from the stories my mom tells me I was ver similar in the way I approached life. Go as high and as far and as fast as you can...I didn't break anything until I was 26.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

So I Guess I'm A Bad Mom

At least that is how Belle makes me feel most days. Today we took Easton to the doctor because he has had a low grade fever and been completely fussy. I felt it was more than just the monster teeth coming in. Well I was right a bad virus is kicking his rear...There's some sores in his mouth :-( So on to belle. At the doctors office she had a complete meltdown. During intake she was screaming and laying on the floor. She refused to listen to me. Nothing was working...I tried her strikes...I tried bargining I tried everything. Finally the nurse bent down and sternly talked to her. I was so embarrassed. I'm contantly embarrased by her behavior. Nothing I do works. I know she's constantly tired from lack of sleep. I know that being told no constantly with food is frustrating. I try to make her feel special. I try to treat her like any other child. Making her fun food that she can eat. I just feel like I'm at my wits end. I don't want to take belle anywhere anymore. I feel like we can't leave the house because some other mother is going to judge. Judge me for not being able to control my child. Feel sorry for Belle because her mother can't properly take care of her and give her boundries. Days like today make me want to hide in a hole until it's all over.

Onto the exciting part of the day. Jamison went to Kindergarten orientation today. He got to meet his teachers and get a tour of the school. He was so excited when he got into the car. He told me all about his day. How he got to take a school bus into town and the craft they made and all the new friends he made. My baby boy is growing up.I can't believe I actually have a kid in elementary school. I guess now it's time to become a PTA mom ;-)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Search For Belle

Ok so right now as her health is under control or as much as it can be....I'm going to write about the adventures of belle...Not that my other children don't provide endless entertainment but belle seems to be our drama queen :D Not that I'm surprised...You never believe your parents when they tell you "I hope you have one just like you" it seems derrick and I were blessed with one just like us!

Our newest adventure with belle is her sleep walking. We usually notice when one of us goes to return Easton to his crib after a midnight feeding. Last night though was a tad bit scarier. Lights were turned on and a search of the house was on. We checked the normal places..Behind the doors that lead to our room. The hall closet...the bathroom....the laundry basket...She wasn't there...I then went and looked under our bed. Sure enough she was passed out and using a suitcase as a pillow. I had to drag her out by her ankle in order to get her from under the bed. She groggily looked at me and walked back to bed. We tucked her in and she slept soundly the rest of the night!

Now Derrick and I are trying to figure out how to keep her safe. I think first on our list is a babygate at the tope of our stairs. I think as long as we got one that has a latch that you have to be coordinated for he won't be able to get through it...It was suggested I should get a hook/eye latch to "lock her in" but somewhere in my gut it just doesn't feel right...I'd be afraid if there was an emergancy I wouldn't have the time to fight with a lock...So this week I'll be babyproofing for my 3 year old...Well at least it gives me a jump start on what needs to be done for Easton....