Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I Hate This

I feel so powerless, out of control. I'm emotionally back to a place I don't want to be. Back to a place i vowed I would never return to. It took me a year and a half after Belle's ordeal to feel better and now with in 24 hours I'm back to that place. A place of worry and helplessness. I can't stand it. I hate feeling like this. I don't have a magic pill or liquid medicine. I fear he'll need an NG tube or even worse have to stay overnight in the hospital. I hate having to think he'll get poked and prodded with needles. I'll have to watch another child stump doctors with a list of symptoms with unknown causes. We'll get yes we understand he's losing weight and yes his GI tract is affected BUT we don't know why so we'll give you the best guess why and hope he gets better...I feel like a rug has yet again been yanked out from under me. God said life was going too smoothly so I'm going to throw some more curve balls at you! I'm tired of curve balls. I"m tired of having to be the strong mommy. I'm tired of having to watch my children go through test after test with no "real" answers. I LOVE my children they are blessings and yes they could have worse things wrong with them, but this is so emotionally draining. I'm fearing moving because I don't know the doctors where I'm moving. I fear derrick being gone. I fear the unknown. I know I will have just as amazing support system. I just want to make my kids better. I want to make the 100%. I want them to eat what the want...Have an ice cream cone. Eat a piece a cake at a birthday party...Eat a fresh piece of fruit from a farmers market w/o running to the bathroom. I want my kids to be able to go to a restaurant  and order what ever they want with out having to asking a million questions of the waiter. I want to be able to take my kids to the movies and get them goodies and popcorn. Food is supposed to be fun and nurishing but to 2 of my 3 kids it's the enemy. I just feel helpless. I'm ready for this week to be over so we can start this journey again with easton and so that we can get him on a path to healing.


  1. hugs, Linds. I cannot begin to imagine your worry, fear, pain, anguish... I will be home next week, I'll be there to help in any way I can

  2. I am praying for you all, sweet friend! We love & miss y'all!
