Friday, March 11, 2011


This really isn't about me but life in general...You think life is going smoothly and God throws in curve balls. Whether they are personal or worldwide. Yesterday/today God showed the world his almighty power. Japan was hit with a horrific Earthquake and Tsunami. Once again in my life I am left feeling hopeless and out of control. First thing I hear when I wake up this morning from Derrick is "Lindsey email Debra find out if they are ok." I hadn't turned on the news and my heart sank. Debra is a wonderful woman of God and a wonderful friend. Immediately I turned on the news and opened my laptop to email her. Demanding her to check in with me. Oh how I was relieved that she was quick to respond. I was afraid for her. I wanted to make her feel better. I just wanted to wrap my arms around her like a warm blanket and take all her fears away and drown out all the sirens with beautiful music. I still feel like there isn't much a can do. I'm just a friend on the other side of the world on a computer. I just want to sweep in with jet and take all our friends and their families but I have to sit and wait and know that the US military will do their jobs and take care of them.

I'm also glued to the TV making sure that nothing more is happening and keeping tabs on Japan and the west coast. I am running into the problem of shielding my older children though. This morning I had to send Jamison to my room to watch a movie so that I could watch Fox News as to not scare him because he knew his best friends grand parents live in Hawaii. Now this evening when I was watching the World News I had to send them to color so that the talk of earthquakes in California would not give them nightmares of the place they would soon live. I know they will have to live through earthquakes. They already have. They don't remember it and at this point that is a blessing. They will have to do earthquake drills and it will become a way of life, just like if that continued to live here they would have to do tornado drills. Weather happens and you have to be prepared. Right now I just want to keep them shielded from the extremes.

I continue to pray for those effected by these recent tragic events. May God wrap his arms around the scared and grieving and place his healing hand upon the injured. May the people of the Japan rise from the ashes of the ruble and rebuild.

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